When a child is described as being “highly sensitive,” you might picture a youngster who cries at the slightest provocation. A child who is highly sensitive, on the other hand, is one of the 15–20% of newborns who have a nervous system that is extremely alert and quick to respond to everything. We list 11 signs of a highly sensitive child in this articleRead this article and you can learn how to help them thrive.

Signs Of A Highly Sensitive Child

Experience Emotional Extremes

Children who are highly sensitive are wired to register their feelings and experiences in the world more deeply than other children. Parents frequently describe their high school students as being either ecstatic or enraged, without a middle register (some parents have even used the term “slaughterhouse screams” to describe their children’s rage).

They act irrationally, saying things like, “I NEVER get to sit on mommy’s lap,” when, in actuality, this child usually takes that prized spot while his easygoing sibling accepts the sidelines.

Bigger Reactions To Sensory Input

Children who are emotionally highly sensitive are probably also more sensitive to sensory input. They have more intense sensory perceptions of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and/or textures. Because of how loud and jarring the flusher is, they might start to avoid using public restrooms.

Strong flavors and aromas may cause them to reject the food. If their preferred, cozy sweatpants aren’t available, they might have a major tantrum. They frequently have a keen eye for appearances and become uneasy when things don’t turn out as expected. 

Clothes Are A Literal Pain

It’s not just about preferring the Batman shirt to the Frozen one; a child with high sensory processing sensitivity may find it difficult to deal with things like itchy tags and sock seams. 

Some parents, for example, may even special-order seamless socks online to cut down on daily getting-dressed battles. 

Process Things Deeply

This can be observed in a child’s inquisitive, thoughtful questions, their precocious use of big words after only hearing them a few times, or their difficulty making decisions “because [they] are thinking of so many possibilities,” according to Aron.

Highly Sensitive Child

Common Discipline Methods Don’t Work For Them

An isolating time out or a stern raised voice doesn’t work. Highly sensitive children require a kinder approach due to their superhuman perception and processing abilities. “The Highly Sensitive Society temperament consultant and psychologist Jadzia Jagiellowicz claim that the Highly Sensitive Child will internalize and amplify everything you say.

“When you speak, they hear it ten times louder and as ten times more dangerous.” When disciplining, speaking calmly and firmly while ignoring minor infractions will help a lot.

Sleep After An Epic Day Is No Easy Feat

Sleep provides important downtime for sensitive kids, though due to their active minds and heightened awareness, getting them to sleep soundly—and consistently—can be a constant challenge.

It can be difficult to drift off quickly after an exciting day. A series of quiet, calming activities are a good way to lessen the intensity of stimuli and assist a child who is extremely sensitive in winding down, according to Jagiellowicz. 

New Activities Are Best With A Gradual Introduction

In order to help highly sensitive children adjust to significant changes, Jagiellowicz advises introducing them gradually. Highly sensitive children may be wary of new people or experiences.

If at all possible, getting to know the new teacher, coach, or class before they begin the new activity will calm you down as well as the students by introducing them to what’s to come.  

Their Senses Seem Super-powered

They can detect the slightest odor that is almost imperceptible to others and hear airplanes before anyone else. A piece of furniture that has been moved, for example, or other subtle alterations in the appearance of people or places are also easily noticed by them.

Even though loud noises can overwhelm anyone, regardless of temperament, a highly sensitive child may cover their ears with much less noise than a siren.

A highly sensitive child might even be afraid of the sound of a cardboard cereal box being opened or react to someone’s squeaky bike passing by on the sidewalk.

Common kid examples include the sound of a flushing toilet or the hand dryers in public restrooms.

More Fearful And Cautious In New Situations

The wheels are turning when HS students walk into a new environment, whether it be a classroom, a birthday party, or swim class. What is this place, they ponder? What will take place here? What can I expect from these people and who are they? Will I be accepted and protected? Whatever is required of me here, will I perform well?

HS students become extremely intelligent and perceptive as a result of this constant analysis of their surroundings. 

Tend To Have A Lower Tolerance For Frustration

When faced with a difficult task, HS students frequently display greater distress and are more likely to give up. For them, it is intolerable to feel the natural discomfort we all feel when we are practicing but still learning a new skill.

This makes it challenging for them to push through these situations, such as learning to ride a bike or figuring out how to prevent their block tower from collapsing.

Prone To Perfectionism And Have A Very Hard Time Losing

Perfectionist tendencies are more prevalent in highly sensitive (HS) kids. They feel a loss of control that is extremely uncomfortable and difficult to tolerate when they are unable to perform an action exactly as their brain instructs them to.

They are also inclined to experience shame and feelings of failure more readily.” Also because of this, high school students find losing extremely difficult.

How To Help Them Thrive

Structure And Boundaries

First of all, parents need to be aware that environments at home and at school have a significant impact on highly sensitive children.

In order to provide their children with a healthy environment, parents must take action. It is unacceptable to assume that these kids will simply behave and get along like other kids.

Steer Clear Of Labels

In order to make sure that everyone is “on the same page” about how to best support their child, child development psychologist Mina Minozzi advised parents of kids with highly sensitive traits to get in touch with their teachers. 

Parents focus on and emphasize the advantages of being extremely sensitive, such as their empathy and observational abilities.